Friday, March 23, 2007

Ms. Licitra's Travel To France!

Choose three places of interest from the lesson plan list. Prepare a powerpoint presentation about each place that includes a brief history, a map, pictures and any other information of travel interest.

The following Electronic Resources found on the "Library Links" page are recommended for this project:

Grolier Online Passport

Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia

World Book Encyclopedia

Student Resource Center

World Almanac Encyclopedia

Google Images

Remember to cite your sources on the last slide. Citations may be included on the electronic resources or you can use for further assistance.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ms. Raeford's / Mr. Fitzpatrick Biome Project

Refer to the Biome Research Project instruction sheet for information on your topic and presentation on the 12 biomes.

Use the Missouri Botanical Gardens website to complete the questions on the instruction sheet.

The following electronic resources found on the SCSD Library Links page, will provide you with more information:

Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia

World Book Encyclopedia

Student Resource Center Junior

Student Resource Center Bronze

Science Reference Center

General Science Collection

Today's Science

These resources include pictures. Click on them to enlarge.

Note: If you use these resources from home or the public library, see MS. Miller for the password.

Use Citation Machine to help you create your bibliography.

Ms. Carlin's Medical Ethics Research Project

You are doing a research paper on a medical ethic issue. Refer to the lesson page from Ms. Carlin that will tell you the requirements of this paper.

The following resources, found on the SCSD Library Links page, will help you find information and complete your bibliograpy page:

Opposing Viewpoints

Issues and Controversies

Health and Wellness Resource Center

Health Reference Center Academic

NOTE: If you use these resources from home or the public library, see Ms. Miller for the password.

The following resource is found on the Fowler Library Catalog page:

Gale Virtual Reference Library - (ask Ms. Miller for password) Select Medicine

For your bibliography:

Citation Machine

Remember to check the reference area for the reserved books the social issues.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Ms. Grace's Voting Project

For this project you will research who votes, who doesn't, and why. Once your research is completed, you will create a campaign to persuade your audience to get out and vote. Your project should be geared towards those your research indicates do not vote often or consistently.

See the directions handed out for more information about what to develop to persuade people to vote.

The following SCSD Library Electronic Resources will help you with the research of this project:

Opposing Viewpoints includes information from the following sources
essays, statistics, reference works, magazines, newspapers, primary documents

Issues and Controversies

Issues and Controversies in American History

Gale Virtual Reference Library - Click on Law EBook - Click on Major Acts of Congress
See Ms. Miller for the login>

If you are using these resources at home or at the public library, ask Mrs. Miller for the remote login and password.