Thursday, December 20, 2007

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ms. Z's Economics Final Project

Click on Economics Final Project to get complete directions.

Project Objectives:

Share reactions to Mattel CEO Bob Eckert's message to consumers.

Discuss how Mattell is responding to several product recalls by reading, answering questions pertaining to and discussing the article "After Stumbling, Mattel Cracks Down In China."

List and explain in a case study report: the short and long term effects of the recalls on companies and consumers.

Prepare public information posters designed to impact consumer behavior.

Record and critique information avout this news article and the CEO's message.

Develop group collaboration skills and come to a consensus about project decisions.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Mortas' Anthropology Final Exam

Click on this link: Cultural Travel Book Project to get full instructions on your Anthropology Final.

Mortas' Chinese History

Use the "database resources" found on the "Library Links" page to write a brief summary explaining the following events in Chinese History.

1. The Long March

2. The Chinese Civil War (Nationalists (Guomindang led by Chiang Kai-Shek v.s. Cpommunists led by Mao Zedong).

3. The Great Leap Forward

4. The Cultural Revolution (include summary of Mao's Little Red Book and the Red Guards).

5. The Four Modernizations

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Krupa's Avid Birthday Project

You are to complete a collage that will resemble events that happened on your birthday and put them on a PowerPoint slide.
Some ideas you may wish to consider:
  • What important events happened on your birthday.
  • Impoertant people who have the same birthday as you.
  • Important places.
  • Anything that you believe is worthy of making your collage.

The goal is to creat a collage using only visuals (pictures)...NO WORDS may be used.

You can use GOOGLE IMAGES.

You will use the PCs in the library for this project. Remember to save your work to your network folder.

Wilbur's Birth Control Health Project

Birth Control

Create a poster, pamphlet, PowerPoint, or handout about one birth control method, listed on the study guide.
Use the following resources from the "Library Links" page by clicking on the word "database".

Health & Wellness Resource Center

Health Reference Center

Student Resource Center Bronze

Google images may be used for pictures.

Gannon's Density Laboratory

Density Laboratory

In this activity, you will measure and compare the properties of floating and sinking objects.

Use to complete the questions on the Exploration Guide.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mr. Scholz's Famous Mathematicians

Choose one of the mathematicians from the project list. Use the following link on your "Library Links" page to do your research: Biography Resource Center. You are not limited to using only this resources. Link back to your "Library Links" page and search and explore other databases to find information.

You are to:

* write a 3-5 page report, double spaced, and written legibly or typed
* choose one of the mathematicians listed or suggest one that has made a significant
contribution to mathematics.

1. Carl F. Gauss
2. Sir Isaac Newton
3. Leonhard Euler
4. Archimedes
5. Euclid
6. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
7. Henri Poincare
8. Pierre de Fermat
9. Augustin Cauchy
10. Bernhard Riemann
11. Rene Descartes
12. Leonardo Fibonacci
13. Pythagoras of Samos

Include a unique cover page with a picture of your mathematician and short abstract about him. See more directions on project sheet.
Include a history of his/her life and a synopsis of the contributions made to math.
Include any other information that might be helpful in understanding his/her life.

Check with your librarian for books placed on reserve and for help in using any of the databases. Remember... you can use these databases anywhere you have access to an internet connection. Ask Mrs. Miller for the login/password.


Thursday, October 4, 2007

Wilbur's Mental Health Research Project

Until recently, mental illness and mental disorders were extremely misunderstood. Mentally ill people were given labels such as “crazy” and “loony,” when really they are victims of a complex group of diseases – diseases of the brain.

Mental illnesses and mental disorders are still under investigation in the scientific world. We know that such diseases may be inherited, may begin at birth, or may begin at any time throughout a person’s life. Sometimes they can be caused by a traumatic life event. Education is the key to eliminating the mysteries and lack of knowledge about disorders of the brain.

Objectives of this Project:
In small, cooperative groups of 2-3, students will investigate a mental illness of their choice.

The student will create a 6 slide PowerPoint presentation that will include the following information:
Define the disorder.
Explain the cause of the disorder.
Describe the symptoms of the disorder.
Identify the most current treatments available for the disorder.
Identify what family members and friends can do to help an individual with this disorder manage their illness .
Include video clips or interesting facts you find about the disorder.

The students will present their PowerPoint presentation to the class.

Topic Choices: Only one group per topic, please!!!

Mental Illnesses:
Anxiety disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Social anxiety disorder
Eating disorders
Borderline personality disorder
Clinical depression
Seasonal affective disorder
Bipolar disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Disorders of the brain:
Parkinson’s disease
Tourette’s syndrome
Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD)
Alzheimer’s disease

Items to be handed in will include:
1. Chart of information researched at the library

2. A list of “works cited,” or "bibliography," lists where you got the information for the project. Please use "Citation Machine" @ to create your list of resources you used for this project. Select MLA for the format.

3. Your PowerPoint presentation printed in 6-slide handout form (I will teach you how to do this if you don’t know how).

Here are some websites that you may use for the mental health project:

From the Syracuse City School District Website:
Go to Library Links @
On the Left hand, top side, click on Advanced Database
Click on either Health and Wellness Resource Center or Health Reference Center Academic.
Search under topic of mental illness

Other Websites include:



Grading for the project:

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Using the Fowler Library Catalog Online

Practice getting familiar with using the library catalog online by clicking on this link: youseemore worksheet and answer questions that will help you tour the catalog. You can print the worksheet to one of the library printers or ask your teacher or the librarian for a copy.

To use the Fowler Online Catalog you must use the internet. Go to and select from the High Schools' drop down menu: G.W. Fowler High School. You are now on the online catalog page where you can locate materials in the library. Use your worksheet to take a tour.

Remember that it is important to know how to use this resource to take advantage of finding books and materials you would like to borrow from the library.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ms.Argus' Biography of Lenin and Stalin

Using follow electronic resource links to the encyclopedias. Find the following information of each leader. Be sure to note your citation information.

*Picture of each leader
*Background information
*How they came to power in Russia
*Three major events or accomplishments during their rule
*What would the people of Russia during their reign say about them? Find a first hand

Arrange information in a word document or a powerpoint slide presentation.

Use Citation Machine to help you create your bibliography.

See Ms. Argus or Ms. Miller for help when needed.

Ms. Licitra's French Fashion Show

Choose three French fashion designers from the lesson plan list. Prepare a powerpoint presentation about each designer that includes a brief biography, notable fashion designs, pictures of designs and other information of interest to you.

The following Electronic Resources found on the "Library Links" page are recommended for this project:

Grolier Online Passport
Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia
World Book Encyclopedia
Student Resource Center
Google Images

Remember to cite your sources on the last slide. Citations may be included on the electronic resources or you can use for further assistance.

See the librarian or Ms. Licitra for help when needed.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Ms. Licitra's Travel To France!

Choose three places of interest from the lesson plan list. Prepare a powerpoint presentation about each place that includes a brief history, a map, pictures and any other information of travel interest.

The following Electronic Resources found on the "Library Links" page are recommended for this project:

Grolier Online Passport

Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia

World Book Encyclopedia

Student Resource Center

World Almanac Encyclopedia

Google Images

Remember to cite your sources on the last slide. Citations may be included on the electronic resources or you can use for further assistance.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ms. Raeford's / Mr. Fitzpatrick Biome Project

Refer to the Biome Research Project instruction sheet for information on your topic and presentation on the 12 biomes.

Use the Missouri Botanical Gardens website to complete the questions on the instruction sheet.

The following electronic resources found on the SCSD Library Links page, will provide you with more information:

Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia

World Book Encyclopedia

Student Resource Center Junior

Student Resource Center Bronze

Science Reference Center

General Science Collection

Today's Science

These resources include pictures. Click on them to enlarge.

Note: If you use these resources from home or the public library, see MS. Miller for the password.

Use Citation Machine to help you create your bibliography.

Ms. Carlin's Medical Ethics Research Project

You are doing a research paper on a medical ethic issue. Refer to the lesson page from Ms. Carlin that will tell you the requirements of this paper.

The following resources, found on the SCSD Library Links page, will help you find information and complete your bibliograpy page:

Opposing Viewpoints

Issues and Controversies

Health and Wellness Resource Center

Health Reference Center Academic

NOTE: If you use these resources from home or the public library, see Ms. Miller for the password.

The following resource is found on the Fowler Library Catalog page:

Gale Virtual Reference Library - (ask Ms. Miller for password) Select Medicine

For your bibliography:

Citation Machine

Remember to check the reference area for the reserved books the social issues.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Ms. Grace's Voting Project

For this project you will research who votes, who doesn't, and why. Once your research is completed, you will create a campaign to persuade your audience to get out and vote. Your project should be geared towards those your research indicates do not vote often or consistently.

See the directions handed out for more information about what to develop to persuade people to vote.

The following SCSD Library Electronic Resources will help you with the research of this project:

Opposing Viewpoints includes information from the following sources
essays, statistics, reference works, magazines, newspapers, primary documents

Issues and Controversies

Issues and Controversies in American History

Gale Virtual Reference Library - Click on Law EBook - Click on Major Acts of Congress
See Ms. Miller for the login>

If you are using these resources at home or at the public library, ask Mrs. Miller for the remote login and password.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Ms. Raeford's Forensic Science Project

Follow the Project-Powerpoint lesson page that Ms. Raeford handed out to you. Make sure that you log in to your PC computer with your name and save all work to your folder not "my documents." Pick a name from the lesson page for your research topic. You will present your project using Powerpoint. The presentation should be no longer that 10 minutes. Prepare a cover page followed by 5-7 slides of information/picutres and include your bibliography on the last slide.

Use the following Electronic Resources to help you find information of the history behind the individual/event, evidence collected - forensics, spectrometry, DNA, ballistics, toxicology, forgery, and physical evidence. Include possible solutions and outcomes.
Student Resource Center

Today's Science

Ebsco Masterfile Select

Books have been pulled and placed on a book cart for you to use.

Citation Machine is also a valuable resource when completing your bibliography.

Remember to ask for help when needed.

Ms. Miller
Ms. Raeford

Monday, February 12, 2007

Ms. Ramsaroop, Ms. Gallo-Slade, Mr. Neives Let's Visit Latin America!

Research a Spanish speaking country using "Electronic Resources" found on the "Library Links" page at
Locate three images of country that include tourist attractions and flag.
Find information including but not limited to: population, leader, climate, capital, chief export (product), economy status, popular foods, tourist attactions, holidays.
Take notes on relevant information.
Develop a report (written or typed) in Spanish.
Present an oral overview in English and Spanish.

Open Safari as your browser in the Mac Lab. Your page will automatically open to the "Library Links" page.

On PCs your page will open to the SCSD home page. Click on 'Library Links", click on "Electronic Resources."

To complete this project as directed in the lesson plan provided to you by your teacher. You can use the following resources on the "Library Links" page by clicking on the "Electronic Resources" button:

World Culture Grams

World Book Encyclopedia

Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia

World Almanac Encyclopedia

World Almanac

Student Resource Center Junior

CIA World Factbook

If you are going to use the "Advanced Databases" from home or the public library, ask Mrs. Miller for the remote access login and password.

Look for the book wagon with your teacher's name. You will find a hard cop ofCulturegrams and books about your country.

Ms. Miller

Monday, February 5, 2007

Mrs. Gannon's Science - African American Scientists and Inventors

Students will be able to:
*Research information using the Internet and the library.
*Understand the important role that some African American scientists have played in science.
*Write a paragraph based on research and creativity. *Discuss the accomplishments of one scientist.Use of the Internet: Students use the Internet as a research tool. They participate in a guided online search.

Use the following "Electronic Resources" below to start research 0n your scientist/inventor.
When you open Internet Explorer you will see the school district homepage. Click on the RED Button that is marked "Library Links." Click on the tab on the task pane to the left of your screen that says, "Electronic Resources." Suggested resources for this project are:

Student Resource Center Junior

Grolier Electronic Multimedia Encyclopedia

Science Reference Center

Web Links in order of relevance:

Black Scientists and Inventors

The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences

Afro-American ALMANAC Biographies

Blacks in Technology: Past & Present

Check out the yellow book cart in the library. It will have all the books the library has related to this topic.

Click on Citation Machine to site the resources you used to find information.

Ask Mrs. Gannon or Mrs. Miller for assistance.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Mrs. Argus' Thirteen Colonies Webquest

1. Use the following web addresses to complete a chart on why each of the Thirteen Colonies was settled. You can click on the chart below and type your answers or print it out and write on the paper.

2. Would You have survived life in the colonies? Take this Quiz and find out. Quiz yourself and record your score.

3. What have you learned in the past about the colonies. What is true and what is false. Test yourself and record your score.

4. The Colonies Chart

Monday, January 8, 2007

Mr. Woolery's Environmental Science Class - Alternative Energy Resources

Use this information for Option # 1 or #2

The following electronic resources found at: will get you started:

EBSCO Student Research Center

Gale Power Search
The Reference Suite @ Facts. Com (select Today's Science tab)

General Science Collection
Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia Remember to ask me for the remote login and password to use these resources away from school.

Use to cite your sources.

Don't forget to use the books that are on reserve on the yellow carts. They are current and may have some valuable information. You can make copies of pages using the copier located in the library.

Ms. Miller