Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mortas' Women's History Project

March is Women's History Month. In celebration of the many achievements that women have contributed over the course of history, you are to create a power point that explains the achievements of two women (one from odern times and one from the past).

Two websites which will help your research are whic provides you with a list of famous women from the past with a brief biographical background of their achievements and

The Library Links Database is also an effective resource to assist you in your research:

Biography Resource Center

Student Resource Center Bronze

Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia

EBSCO Student Research Center

Modern women you may consider but are not limited to:
Angelina Jolie and her charity work
Oprah Winfrey
Hillary Clinton
Elizabeth Dole
Whoopi Goldberg
Venus or Serena Wulliams
Toni Morrison
Maya Angelou
J.K. Rowling
Katie Couric
Tavis Smiley

Your power point should include :
Title Page
A brief account of early life
Influences on life
Achievements/Accomplishments/How they influenced the world/history
Why you think they are important or why you admire their accomplishments
Pictures of each
A bibliography page: Citations may be included in the article you research...look for them or use Citation Machine to help you create your works cited page.

Check your library's online catalog for print material.