Using your vocabulary list on bank words, create a slideshow on banking in France/Paris. The slide show must consist of at least 30 vocabulary slides. The slide show must consist of at least 30 vocabulary words with image (cartoon or actual)
ex. La banque Picture of the front of a bank
Le caissier Picture of a bank teller
You may add sound and special effects. Put together a slideshow that would be interesting for you to watch. This will count as a test grade.
Using your vocabulary list on bank words, create a slideshow on banking in France/Paris. The slide show must consist of at least 30 vocabulary slides. The slide show must consist of at least 30 vocabulary words with image (cartoon or actual)
ex. La banque Picture of the front of a bank
Le caissier Picture of a bank teller
You may add sound and special effects. Put together a slideshow that would be interesting for you to watch. This will count as a test grade.
ex. La banque Picture of the front of a bank
Le caissier Picture of a bank teller
You may add sound and special effects. Put together a slideshow that would be interesting for you to watch. This will count as a test grade.
Using your vocabulary list on bank words, create a slideshow on banking in France/Paris. The slide show must consist of at least 30 vocabulary slides. The slide show must consist of at least 30 vocabulary words with image (cartoon or actual)
ex. La banque Picture of the front of a bank
Le caissier Picture of a bank teller
You may add sound and special effects. Put together a slideshow that would be interesting for you to watch. This will count as a test grade.